


Liée à jamais aux souvenirs des empereurs Napoléon 1er et Napoléon III, Fontainebleau est un maillon incontournable de l'histoire de France.

A ce titre, Fontainebleau est avec Rueil-Malmaison et Compiègne labellisée « Ville Impériale » depuis le 21 octobre 2011.

BGC What is it?

BGC are the initials of Brie Gatinais Cyclotouriste.

BGC is a French cycling club .

 It is located in Fontainebleau, 40 miles from Paris. Brie and Gatinais are two areas South of Paris.

Brie is famous for its cheese and Gatinais for its honey.

Fontainebleau is a little town,  on the border between these two areas.

It is famous for its forest and its chateau built between 1130 and 1600 : many kings of France stayed there, as well as Napoleon.